Tuesday, October 13, 2009


was a MOPS Tuesday (Mothers of Preschoolers). It was my first meeting, and we even made it on time. Well, to be precise, I was one minute late. If you know me, you know that I am almost always pathologically on time, so that is an important distinction in my world. I had everything planned to be there early, had Anastasia fed and ready to go ahead of schedule, and was feeling proud of myself, since it's taken me a while to master getting out of the house with a baby. Unfortunately, as I started to brush my hair, I discovered the biggest knot in it that was impossible to untangle, so, after wasting 15 minutes on it, I just pretty much ripped it out. Ouch! As if I haven't lost enough hair already after giving birth!

 Oh well, moving on ... I tried dropping Anastasia off at the nursery so I could have some uninterrupted fellowship time, but that didn't work too well. She usually does good in our church nursery, but this time they had to come get me after about 10 minutes because she would not calm down. She wanted her mommy. Poor little lady, she was pretty upset. I was kind of glad about it, though, because it means she is reaching another important developmental milestone - object permanence.

 Oh, and I wanted to tell you about the cute thing she did today. She is really working on trying to crawl. So far it hasn't happened, but she has gone from pushing herself backwards to doing this caterpillar motion. She gets up on her hands and knees, rocks for a while, moves her feet forward, and then falls down while thrusting her whole body forward at the same time. It is a really slow process, but she is able to get to where she wants to be. So, being able to do that, she is starting to get into things. This afternoon, while I wasn't looking, she crawled over to a package of baby wipes, opened the lid, and took out all the wipes. She was just about to put a bunch of them in her mouth when I found her.

  She had this guilty look on her face when she saw me.


 It was also very amusing to see a puzzled look on her face when she tried really hard to pick a brightly colored pattern off our mattress and couldn't. I think it has something to do with lack of depth perception at this age. She persevered at it for a long time, and then gave up, decided to at least taste it, put her face down and licked it. If the mounting does not come to Mohammad then Mohammad will come to the mountain (this is a Russian saying meaning that if something is not working one way, there is always another way to get it done).

 Anastasia was very happy when Daddy came home early tonight. He was holding her, and she was looking at him, while sucking on her tows and gurgling simultaneously.

I just love the toe sucking!


Anyway, in a nutshell, that was our day. How was your day?

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